Hey all!

So I’m ashamed to admit I’ve not really been showing my blog any love recently. This is mainly due to it being the end of the academic year, teaching gets crazy around these weeks. I’ve also been working hard trying to get a strong UDK tutorial series off and on top of that co-running a video game studio so all is go at the moment. Oh, and I just moved house to add on top of that so the blog was abandonded. Thankfully, I’m here to update! I will try to post all the progress in recent months in one large chunk so I can be up to date with everything then hopefully (we all say this), on a weekly basis I can update 😉

I have also been writing a few articles on games and books I am reading and playing so those write-ups will be added to the blog when they’re done.

Hopefully lots of new content for you all to get stuck into since my blog is getting so many hits at the moment, I think this mainly being due to Alex G over a WoLD for hosting my tutorial series which I am so thankful for. So anyway! All you that do check my blog or have it bookmarked, thank you, and I promise to update more regularly now that summer is in swing. Lots of excited things planned!!

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